Thursday, 28 July 2011

Back to work after a week's enjoyment...

It was a regular Wednesday meeting yesterday.! We are glad to announce you that the total downloads of the Students Edition - 1 till date was 423(just in a week). We also noticed that about 50 more downloads were also there for the GCE Chronicles Vol. I after the recent launch. Though all the chronies were longing for this post-achievement meeting, it was not that cool yesterday. Well, the first reason would be the absence of our beloved Chitra Mam. The Industrial Visit of the III yr ECE and Metallurgy students was the next reason. II yrs should be appreciated for their presence as they didn't tell out their 'Series test' as a reason. (:p)

As the official hub of the Editorial Bureau - The English Department was not available to hold the meeting, we Chronies moved to the Lecture Hall -1 in the Admin Block.

I was asked to take over the meeting by the Student Editor - Uday anna(Well, a good supervision was there from his part!). I explained the Chronies, the way the next edition will look as it was planned to be 'The Annual Edition for 2011'.

First of all, a list of the events that happened and that are going to happen in the college in 2011 was prepared. Then, all the chronies were instructed to start collecting the reports about the symposiums, workshops, farewells, Industrial Visits, placement statistics and the list of students and staff who won(or participated) in Paper Presentations and National & International level conferences for their own departments. They were also told to acquire reports from various extra-curricular activities like NCC, NSS, Rotaract and Leo Clubs, Alumni Association, etc. Finally myself and Arpita split the total work among all the chronies and informed them.

Soon, the call for the submissions of the name list of the participants of conferences and paper presentations will be published in this blog(Keep checking, "Contributors, attention!" page). Those who missed to contribute in the Students Edition are kindly requested to make use of this opportunity.

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